Sunday, January 15, 2012

On dwarf-hatting

so here are my pictures of today's ensemble.. it was very cold and winter sunlight is hard to work with but i got some good ones in! i'm cracking up because i originally was going to say how i spent hours trying to figure out how to make my pictures bigger, then i accidentally did and they were HUGE and like pushed my side-bar into an awkward corner.. haha.. annnyyways.. excuse my goofy pictures : )

here's my dog Mota Loba Stargazer.. Mota for short ; ) her sister's name is Rafa Mama Baloo.

i hope all's well for all! much love, abi

1 comment:

  1. Lovely mittens! ^^ Oh and the dog, such a cutie!

    I'm now following you via Bloglovin'. :)

    Have a great day,

    xx Satu
    Indie by Heart
